
  • Team: RootPower(Mongolia)
  • The feeling that finished the Procon
     I’m very happy to participate Procon Contest. I want to participate next year because it is very good contest to compete. Procon gives us very big expierence and let us improve our knowledge. Our developed program didn’t work properly but I am very happy to find our mistake. This contest let students to compete and study very well.

  • Having learned by a visit to company and etc
     I learned a lot of things after visited companies. Toyoto and milk company was very interesting. Because there were so many automatic machines and every operation works under control. After we visited Hokkaido University, I want to study in Japan. If i have oppertunity, i will do my master degree in japan.

  • Impression of Japan
     In my opinion . I have to learn so many things from japan. It is very beautiful country . It is very clean and people are very friendly and respect each other very much. Correcthess is very strict. Before I come to Japan, I was thinking Japan has very high developed technology only and every people works on some automatic technology. but now i traveled around whole Hokkaido. I saw very nice and beautiful nature and traditional cultures. also i wanted to learn japanese. Every thing we did and everyewhere we traveled is exteremly amazing. I loved Asahikawa, Sapporo, Otaru and Hokkaido .

  • Challenge in future
     After I do my bachelor degree in software engineering. I will work one or two years. After that I will do my master degree ( may be in japan). I want to be engineer of mobile and internet applications .

  • Other Comments
     The funniest moment was in Sounkyo. Hot spring, dinner and traditional clothes are very nice. I liked nature in Japan. Color of the trees, mountain and ocean was very beautiful. Also I am very happy to meet japanese and international students. I made so many freindship with international students. Procon Contest was very interesting. however our developed program didn’t work properly but we are very happy. Because learned very big lesson and now we have expierence. I hope we will meet in th future . Thank you very much. Arigota gozaymashita